Wednesday 8th July, 2020
Evening session from 7pm to 10pm with model Fleur
Multiple poses (short and long)
Bookings closing on Wednesday 8th July, 2020 at 6.30pm.
Saturday 11th July, 2020
Afternoon session from 1pm to 5pm with model Julie
Multiple poses (short and long)
Bookings closing on Saturday 11th July, 2020 at 12.30pm.
Bookings :
1. You have previously signed in for one of our remote sessions and returned us your statement in regards with the models' image rights, simply proceed to payment by clicking on one of the buttons above. You can either pay with PayPal, or select the Debit Card option (Payer par carte bancaire).
2. If this is your first booking with us :
Please send an email to Bénédicte Caillat : benedicte.caillat@academiegrandechaumiere.com to let her know about your first registration. Proceed to payment by clicking on one of the buttons above. You can either pay with PayPal, or select the Debit Card option (Payer par carte bancaire).
We will get an automatic notification. The fee is €15 per session and per person (this is a special price applying to all, no additional discount applies).
You can book for several persons; please send us individual email addresses so we can provide everyone with a connexion link when using individual devices.
If you would rather pay over the phone, please call +33 (0)1 43 53 41 12 or +33 (0)1 43 26 13 72 : Monday to Friday between 2.30pm and 5.30pm and Saturday 10am to 12.30pm.